ENDNENZ3& xPT Publication Type:`Journal Article` AB Abstract:AN Accession Number: AU Author: (Review of: &) AU Author:AF Affiliation:' CD CODEN:CL Classification:CP Country of Publication:DE Descriptors:DN Database Name:/DO DOI:+EA Email Address:'EI Electronic ISSN:EM Entry Month: FE Features:IS ISSN: LA Language:2 NT Notes:OT Original Title:.PE Peer Reviewed:PT Publication Type:PY Publication Year:RN CAS Registry Number:RO Record Owner: SF Subfile: SO Source:#, vol. , no. , pp. ,  . SO Source: , vol. , no. , pp. , . SO Source:, vol. , pp. ,  . SO Source:, vol. , pp. , . SO Source:, no. , pp. ,  . SO Source:, no. , pp. , . SO Source:, pp. ,  . SO Source:, pp. , . TI Title: UD Update: AB Abstract:AN Accession Number: AU Author: (Review of: ) AU Author:AF Affiliation:'CL Classification:CP Country of Publication:DE Descriptors:DN Database Name:/DO DOI:+EA Email Address:'EI Electronic ISSN:EM Entry Month:ER Environmental Regime: FE Features:IB ISBN:IS ISSN: LA Language:2 NT Notes:OT Original Title:.PE Peer Reviewed:PT Publication Type:PY Publication Year:RN CAS Registry Number:RO Record Owner: SF Subfile: SO Source: : , 20.  pp. SO Source: : , 19.  pp. SO Source: , 20.  pp. SO Source: , 19.  pp. SO Source: .  pp. SO Source: SR Series Title: TI Title: UD Update:PT Publication Type:`Book Chapter` AB Abstract:AN Accession Number: AU Author: (Review of: ) AU Author:AF Affiliation:'CL Classification:CP Country of Publication:DE Descriptors:DN Database Name:/DO DOI:+EA Email Address:' ED Editor: EI Electronic ISSN:EM Entry Month:ER Environmental Regime: FE Features:IB ISBN:IS ISSN: LA Language:2 NT Notes:OT Original Title:.PE Peer Reviewed:PT Publication Type:PY Publication Year:RN CAS Registry Number:RO Record Owner: SF Subfile: SO Source:% . (20). |. (pp. ). : ,  SO Source:% . (19). |. (pp. ). : ,  SO Source:SR Series Title: TI Title: UD Update:DD DDDby HD*ed. version. version [ ] edition. edition H DHD: DDScale DDDSLSD L!L"L#L$L%L&L'DD DSDReport: L D, US DSpecial Issue: HHD+q   SO Source: CSA Z3950.csa.comMLA International Bibliography mla-set-cF210 SUTRS ANSELH?USERID1I ?PASSWORD1G000 F Any Field*1016F Author*AUTH1003F Year*DATE31FTitle*4FKeywords*21FStandard Number*1007F All Fields*1035  ?MLA Intl Bib (CSA)CSA